Industries and Services
Sustainable, responsible and impact investing (SRI) is an investment discipline that considers environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria for the major industries we serve. In consonance with our philosophy to provide excellent and qualitative service for the industries we serve, to maintain effective co-ordination, and meet deadlines, each project is assigned a highly skilled, multi-disciplinary and tested team of professionals equipped with vast knowledge of the African and global business trends.

Mining and Metals
We offer an integrated approach that combines industry expertise and assistance in maximising projects’ social benefits while minimising their environmental impacts through systematic stakeholders engagement standard practices, impact analysis and mitigation, monitoring and follow up to ensure project sustainability throughout the project lifecycle. Our approach working in African countries is unique and pays attention to local regulations while upscaling the standard where necessary.
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Investment Liabilities Due Diligence
In principle, the financial impacts resulting from some risk exposures can be hedged through
strategic asset allocation and portfolio construction. These are effectively systemic and
will require policy action to address environmental change and enable investors to meet
their financial goals.
Investors are beginning to ask how global environmental trends such as increased pressure on
land for food production, soil degradation, localised water stress and extremes of weather
will affect the macroeconomic performance of countries, and how this will play out at the
industry and firm level.
Tongyi analytically supports investments and provide professional advise as to how
environmental and social risks associated with investments can be minimised.

Climate Smart Agriculture
More and more countries in Africa are seeing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) as a solution to
diverse challenges. CSA is an integrated approach to managing landscapes that boosts
productivity, enhances resilience and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Our CSA Investment Plans (developed for private and public sectors investors) identify
concrete actions that can be taken to boost climate-smart agriculture, both in the form of
investment opportunities and policy design and implementation

EHS Standards
We are conscious of the continuous standardisation of the Environmental Health and Safety
requirements for investment projects in line with Good International Industry Practice
(GIIP). We thoroughly examine each project's peculiarity to develop and implement Community
Health and Safety Guidelines, Constructions and decommissioning Guidelines, Occupational
Health and Safety Guidelines and relevant plans necessary for investment sustainability.
Tongyi project screening for EHS could consider Water Quality and Availability,
Structural Safety of Project Infrastructure, Life and Fire Safety (L&FS), Traffic Safety,
Transport of Hazardous Materials, Disease Prevention, Emergency Preparedness and Response,
Biological Hazards, Radiological Hazards and determination of Special Hazard Environments.

Local and International clients operating in Africa are faced with diverse challenges in the
manufacturing sector.
Tongyi continuously develop smart solutions to meet the needs heads on providing
sustainability frameworks, environmental and social risk assessment, impact mitigation
measures and follow up with operational processes from planning to decommission phases. Our
solutions cover Cement and Lime Manufacturing, Metal, Plastic, Rubber Products
Manufacturing, Printing, Semiconductors and Electronics Manufacturing, Tanning and Leather
Finishing, Textiles Manufacturing Base Metal Smelting and Refining, Ceramic Tile and
Sanitary Ware Manufacturing, Construction Materials Extraction, Foundries, Glass
Manufacturing, Integrated Steel Mills and general manufacturing investments

General Infrastructure
For general infrastructure investment projects, Tongyi provides Environmental and Social
Governance services by screening performance levels and providing measures that are
generally considered to be achievable in new facilities using existing technology at
reasonable costs.
We assist investors to set site-specific targets, with an appropriate timetable for
achieving them using appropriate Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) standards.
Our services targets Infrastructure investments including but not limited to Ports, Harbours
and Terminals, Railways, Airlines, Gas Distribution Systems, Health Care Facilities, Retail
Petroleum Networks, Shipping, Telecommunications, Toll Roads, Tourism and Hospitality
Developments, Waste Management Facilities, Water and Sanitation, Airports, Crude Oil and
Petroleum Product Terminals

Oil and Gas
To help ensure that projects are environmentally and socially sound and sustainable, we assist our clients in the Oil and Gas sector to embrace their responsibilities and be responsible for ensuring that the projects are prepared and implemented in such ways that it meets all applicable requirements of local and internationally acceptable Environmental and Social Standards through out all the stages of planning until decommissioning. Our solutions spans through Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities, Offshore Oil and Gas Development, Onshore Oil and Gas Development.
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Agriculture is inherently risky. we help investors mitigate risks so their investments grow
and succeed.
We provide services to help the sector address the ever increasing demand in the
Agricultural sector in an environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive way.
As the agribusiness sector recognises the need to make sustainable use of land, other
natural resources and to raise labor standards, we help companies set benchmarks for
sustainable production in line with industry best practices. In areas such as sequestering
carbon, managing watersheds, preserving biodiversity, and producing renewable energy
resources, Tongyi works with its clients to achieve success in their projects through
improved environmental services.

Greater reliance on water, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal sources, as well as more
efficient energy use, can help create more jobs and foster sustainable economic growth.
Tongyi recognises sustainability challenges from generation, transmission, and distribution
upgrades in African countries and provides solutions suitable for different scenarios. We
assist borrowers and project proponents better manage environmental and social risks of
projects and to improve development outcomes

Modern roads are essential to move goods and people efficiently and open up new areas for
development. According to the World Health Organisation, about 1.24 million people die each
year on the world’s roads and millions are injured. Facing increased needs for better
transport infrastructure (modernising ports, airports, roads, railroads and urban transport
systems essential to development), more governments are recognising that modern,
well-maintained roads are key to sustained social and economic development without
sacrificing environmental and social considerations.
In developing countries, the lack of proper transport infrastructure can mean the difference
between sustainable progress and persistent under-development.
Our analysis of project sustainability from planning through construction, and operational
phases are an added advantage through well thought out Environmental and Social Frameworks
in line with the World Bank's Standards.

Water Infrastructure
Water is at the centre of economic and social development; it is vital to maintain health,
grow food, generate energy, manage the environment, and create jobs.
Community or Urban water supply planning, Waste water management infrastructure, expanding
or improving water infrastructure, improving management practices and ensuring community
engagement are areas we add value for sustainability